Home Improvement Permits

Planning a new development, renovations or changing the use of a current building? Depending on the type of construction, you may need permits (sometimes multiple) from the City.

Change to permitting provider

Effective November 1, 2024, The Inspections Group Inc. is the new partner for plumbing, gas and electrical permitting. New permit applications must be submitted to The Inspections Group Inc., however Superior Safety Codes will finish any existing applications.

Permits are here for your protection. The major benefit of obtaining a permit is knowing that your project will conform to the safety standards that have been adopted under the Safety Codes Act and that the appearance and use are consistent with the context of your neighbourhood.

Permit applications take 2-3 weeks to process. You’ll receive an email indicating your permit application is deemed complete, and another email when your permit has been issued.

Required permit types

If you are planning a new development, renovations to an existing property or changing the use of a current building, you may require permits from the City of Beaumont. Depending on the type of construction, you may need to apply for different types of permits. Some of the permits that may be required are:

A development permit ensures that the location, size and use of a building comply with the Beaumont Land Use Bylaw.

  • Development permits and approvals need to be obtained for new construction, renovations, and changes to how a building is being used.
  • All properties within the City of Beaumont are zoned and that zoning determines the type of building and what use is allowed.

To determine the development regulations for your property first, find your property’s zoning designation using our Land Use Bylaw Map

While development permits regulate your property’s appearance and use in the context of your neighbourhood, building permits make sure that what you build is actually safe.

Building permits make sure that construction on your property is up to Alberta Building Code standards. Many projects require both a development and a building permit.

Additional permits regulate the utilities servicing a property. This includes the water and sewer lines, interior plumbing, gas, air conditioning, and electricity. If any construction includes this type of work, separate permits may be required and are applied for separately.

  • Separate permits are issued for each type of work that is being completed. This includes:
    • plumbing
    • gas
    • electrical
  • Every building, plumbing, gas and electrical permit requires payment of a safety code fee, which is collected on behalf of the Safety Codes Council. The safety code fee is calculated as 4% of the total permit cost with a minimum of $4.50 to a maximum of $560.

The City of Beaumont subcontracts The Inspections Group Inc. to provide electrical, plumbing and gas inspection services. You can apply directly through The Inspections Group Inc., or in person at the City Office using the following application forms:


Download the Residential Permits and Fees brochure [pdf]

How to apply

We require all documentation and fees at time of application.
Application packages for each type of permit are found below.

Step 1: Apply

Review the information sheet associated with your type of permit, then download and complete the application package. Documents and specific permit instructions can be found below.

Submit to development@beaumont.ab.ca.

Permit applications are being accepted electronically in PDF format. Applications are legal documents that need to be fully legible and signed by the Applicant. Other electronic formats have proven to be inconsistent in quality and content.

If you are unable to submit your application in a PDF format, hard copy applications may be submitted in our after-hours drop box located at the City Administration Offices at 5600 49 Street.

How to submit your permit application electronically:

  1. Click and open the appropriate permit application package.
  2. Download and save the fillable PDF permit application package to your computer
  3. Fill in the fillable permit application package and save
  4. Use your Adobe application to attach your signature, or otherwise electronically sign the document.
  5. All attachments must be in PDF format. Photographs are not acceptable
  6. Email the completed PDF permit application package and any PDF attachments to: development@beaumont.ab.ca

Step 2: Permit review

Once a complete application including payment has been received, the permit review process will begin.

Step 3: Permit issuance

You will be notified when permit has been issued.

Step 4: Construction

Construction may begin once you have received all issued permits.

The conditions issued with your permits will outline what inspection stages are required. Please contact buildinginspections@beaumont.ab.ca to book your inspections.

Step 5: Inspections

For electrical, plumbing and/or gas permits, please email questions@inspectionsgroup.com to book these inspections.

Common residential permits

*Notice: City of Beaumont Fire Response Times [pdf]

Complete a New Home Builder Package [pdf]
Review the following forms:

  1. Abandoned Wells Declaration [pdf]
  2. Fire Safety Plan [pdf]
  3. Residential Building and Inspection Conditions Brochure [pdf]

A Single Detached House (SFD) with or without an additional dwelling unit (basement, garage or garden suite) means development consisting of a dwelling.

All Builders/Owners require a current year general contractor (GC) business license, which covers all sub-trades used on the project. This fee is only paid once per year.

With the exception of the primary residence, any stand-alone building that has an area greater than 10 m2
Examples include detached garages, detached carports, gazebos, sheds, greenhouses, pergolas, equipment, lean-to, etc.

A building and development permit is required for an accessory building project.


Please review the Accessory Building Information Sheet [pdf]

Complete an Accessory Building Application Package [pdf]

Complete a Garage Fire Safety Plan [pdf] (garages only)

The creation of additional living space in the basement area requires a development permit and a building permit.


Please review the Additional Dwelling Unit Information Sheet [pdf]

Complete an Additional Dwelling Unit Application Package [pdf]

The creation of recreation space in the basement area requires a building permit.


A deck with a floor height over 0.6 meters (2 feet) from finished grade requires both a development permit and a building permit. If any portion of the deck is over 0.6m in height, a permit will be required.

  • Including enclosed decks or enclosed patios
  • No permit required for open beam pergolas


A development permit may be required if:

  • A fence is located on a corner lot or lot backing onto green space
  • If a front yard fence exceeds the maximum height allowed of 1.0m *Note – Lattice topping etc is to be included in calculating the height of the fence

Otherwise, no permit is required.


Please note: no inspection is required for this permit.

A building permit is required for all factory built (metal) fireplaces, fireplace inserts, stoves, ranges, space heaters and solid fuel appliances (wood burning stove or pellet stove).

A gas permit is required for gas fuel appliances.

An electrical permit is required if the appliance is equipped with an electrical connection.


Swimming pool means a structure, basin or tank containing an artificially created pool of water that is used for swimming, recreation, bathing, etc. Hot tubs are considered swimming pools, in accordance with the Alberta Building Code.

Swimming pools require a development, building and electrical permit (if applicable).

Hot tubs require a development, building and electrical permit.


Encroachment permit applications take 5-10 business days to process.

Encroachment permits are required for the following items when on municipal roadways:

  • Moving containers
  • Refuse bins
  • Landscaping materials

If the item or structure is located entirely within the boundaries of private property and does not extend or hang over onto a public sidewalk or road, then an encroachment permit is not required.

Encroachments must be:

  • Kept clean
  • Adequately marked (examples: safety cones, barriers, reflective markings)
  • Secured so that materials do not impact surrounding (i.e. materials inside bins do not leak out, landscaping piles stay within approved area, etc.)

Placement of an encroachment on municipal roadways will NOT be approved if they:

  • Overhang a private driveway onto the public sidewalk or roadway.
  • Are located within 5 meters (16 feet) of a fire hydrant, crosswalk, or intersection curb.
  • Occupy designated fire lanes, emergency access zones or areas reserved for emergency vehicles.
  • Block access to neighbouring properties.
  • Obstruct or impede any catch basins.


Demolition Permit Application Package [pdf]

Solar Application Package [pdf]

Any project that exceeds $5000 in construction value or alters the building structure requires a building permit. Other projects as listed may require permits. To apply for a permit for your project, download the Development & Building Application Form [pdf]

  • Change of use of a building (most common to a new business replacing an old business in a commercial building)
  • Towers, flag poles and other poles over 4.5 metres in height from grade in all land use districts except the industrial district
  • Retaining walls over 1 meter (3 feet high) are built (engineered drawings are also required)
  • Driveway extensions may require a permit. Please contact Beaumont’s Administration Office for more information.

The architectural controls and landscaping requirements are set by the developer and not enforced by the City. Please contact your developer with any questions.