Spring activity guide out now! Registration begins March 17.
Home & Neighbourhood Utilities Manage Utility Services
Set up new services: Move-In Utilities form [pdf]
Cancelling your services: Move-Out Utilities form [pdf]
Moving within Beaumont? Transfer your utilities account to the new address: Transfer Utilities form [pdf]
Rental Property Utilities form [pdf]
Commercial Rental Utilities form [pdf]
How do I set up my utilities in Beaumont? Only owners of the property can register for utility services.
Download and fill out the Move-In Utilities form [pdf].
Email our Utility Department at utilities@beaumont.ab.ca
Call our Utility Department: 780-929-1351
Print out the form and visit the City of Beaumont’s Administration Office during regular business hours (Monday to Friday: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm)
5600 49 Street Beaumont, AB T4X 1A1
Water and wastewater service: please give at least 3 business days notice before moving in.
Curbside collection service: allow 1 week for waste carts to be delivered (carts are delivered on your next available collection day), but give as much notice as possible to avoid delays. Carts for new builds will be ordered when we receive your move-in application.
If your carts haven’t arrived after 1 week, please call us at 780-929-4306.
With the steady increase in the number of rental properties in Beaumont, the City has changed its procedure regarding utility accounts for both residential and business rentals as follows:
The changes mean there will not be any adjustment billing when tenants move in or out.
Beaumont sends out utility bills in – January – March – May – July – September – November
The utility bill covers the previous two month period. For example, your July bill is for water used in May and June. In 2016, May and June had hot, dry periods so you can expect your consumption to be higher. July has been a wet month and if this continues in August, your September bill should show lower consumption. Be sure to compare your current bill to last year’s bill. In most cases the usage will be similar. Consumption is generally much higher in May and June compared to March and April, so it is more accurate to compare the current bill to last year’s bill.
If your bill says you have a constant leak, this means that for at least some days, your meter never stopped running. Normally the meter will stop when everyone is asleep and water is no longer being consumed. To check for a leak, turn off all water sources, take a flashlight and shine it on your meter. If all water is turned off, and the meter is still running, then you have a leak somewhere in your house or on your property.
After following these steps, and if you still believe your utility bill is not accurate, please call us at 780-929-8782.
Find additional tips on reducing consumption on our Reduce Water Consumption post or our Conservation page.
We are billed by The Capital Region Southwest Water Commission for our water, which comes from the North Saskatchewan River.
Water ban information (active and past alerts) can be found on the Public Notices page. Information on conservation (water and energy) will be in the Conservation page.
Green tag If you find a green tag from the Operations Facility on your door, this means we need to gain access into your home to carry out repairs to the water meter. Contact the Operations Facility for next steps. Failure to do so may result in having your water disconnected.
Orange tag
If you find an orange tag from the Utilities Services Department on your door, this means your water will be disconnected on the date indicated on the tag unless you contact the Utilities Services Department.
Unfortunately no. However, there are a few recommendations you can do:
– You can turn your water off inside your home at the main valve. There is no cost to you to do that. You will still receive a bill with the flat rates but no water will be flowing through your meter.
– You can request in writing to have your water turned off at the curb. The fee is $50 to disconnect your water. However, when you return and you want your water turned back on, someone has to be at the home to meet the City employee and it will cost $50 to reconnect. While you are away you are still being billed the flat rates.
No. The account has to remain under the homeowner’s name, as stated in the Utility Bylaw 689-08. The homeowner has the option of having 2 copies of the utility bill mailed: 1 to themselves and 1 to the tenant. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to set up the utility bill to go to both the homeowner and tenant.
You can call the Utility Department for more details 780-929-1351 or submit the Rental Property Utility Services form [pdf].