Land Use Bylaw

Our zoning blueprint.

Bylaw amendments

Recent changes to the Land Use Bylaw adjust parking requirements and the number of secondary suites, fostering safer, more accessible neighbourhoods.

Read the news post about the changes >>

The Land Use Bylaw is the regulatory document that helps guide development in Beaumont, which aligns with the broader goals outlined in the Municipal Development Plan. It sets the rules for how land and buildings are used in the community and promotes responsible growth and development.

Our Zoning Blueprint divides Beaumont into specific districts, each with clear guidelines about what types of development are permitted or discretionary. It also explains the process for applying for development permits, the decision-making process and the conditions that may apply to developments.

In addition to zoning, the Land Use Bylaw covers important topics such as:

  • Setbacks
  • Landscaping requirements
  • Parking rules
  • Building heights
  • Garage sales
  • Signage regulations

The Land Use Bylaw 944-19 introduces more flexibility in land use and development while setting specific standards for new builds. Key updates include:

  • Improved walkability: Design standards that enhance neighbourhood connectivity and bring services closer to residents.
  • Balanced parking: Parking requirements have been adjusted to better support alternative modes of transportation, like walking and cycling.
  • Streamlined signage process: Revised signage regulations offer more clarity and consistency, along with a faster approval process.