Spring activity guide out now! Registration begins March 17.
Government Boards & Committees Subdivision & Development Appeal Board (SDAB)
The Beaumont Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB or Board) is a quasi-judicial board established in accordance with the Municipal Government Act and The City of Beaumont Bylaw (SDAB Bylaw) [pdf]. The SDAB hears appeals regarding decisions made by The City of Beaumont subdivision and development authorities and renders decisions based on the evidence presented.
The Board is independent from The City of Beaumont Planning Department and is comprised of citizen members. The SDAB makes decisions in an impartial manner and applies the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness, which includes but is not limited to: the right to a public hearing; a duty to be fair; the right for all affected parties to be heard; the right to an adjournment if the SDAB determines it is merited; and the right to legal counsel.
You can submit an appeal for:
Do you have questions on the decision that was made? You may contact the development officer and ask questions on the development or subdivision that you may be appealing.
When you are ready to file an appeal, you will need to:
Note: Your appeal is not considered to be received unless the fee and form have been provided to the City of Beaumont.
Development appeal fee: $129 Subdivision appeal fee: $335 Forms and fees must be submitted within 21 days of the date of the decision letter.
All appeals are advertised and any party who feels they will be affected by the proposed development has the right to appear before the Board and explain why they are affected. The Board will then make a determination as to whether that person is an “affected person” with respect to the proposed development.
* The term affected person is not defined in the Municipal Government Act. The Board determines affected persons on a case-by-case basis. For example, an affected person could be someone who feels the enjoyment, use or value of their property may be affected by the proposed development. The onus is on the person to show they are affected by the development.