To facilitate repairs on the EPCOR water main serving Beaumont, the City is implementing a mandatory water ban for municipal operations and voluntary restrictions for residents to reduce non-essential water use, effective July 22, 2024.

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City budget

The annual budget allocates funding so that the city can deliver services to residents and build and maintain the infrastructure that maintains a high quality of life in Beaumont. This includes the roads that get people around; the system that brings water to your home; the police, fire and bylaw enforcement services that keep our community safe; the recreation facilities and programs that keep you active; along with all the other things that make Beaumont a great place to live.

Budget process

City administration prepares a draft of the budget, aligning spending priorities with Our Beaumont, Municipal Strategic Plan and other city directional plans, along with general direction from council. Council works through the draft budget and adds their changes during a series of public meetings. At the end of this process, a revised budget is presented to council for final approval.

2024 Budget

The approved 2024 Municipal Operating Budget, Utility Budget, and Capital Budget [pdf] balances the pressures of the city’s rapid growth and inflation and supports targeted service and capital investments.

Budget highlights

Rising costs – particularly for fuel, utilities, and policing – have added to the overall expense of providing city services and maintaining facilities. The tax increase for 2024 reflects these pressures, previous Council decisions (including adding two new RCMP officers and enhancing customer service), and service enhancements, such as transit.

Capital expenses

Capital expenses in 2024 include:

  • Maintenance, renewal, and replacement of existing city infrastructure, equipment and facilities
  • Preparation of a joint high school site located south of the West Recreation Site
  • Investments supporting parks, recreation and the community’s heritage.

Transit service expansion

Beginning in spring 2024, transit service between Beaumont and the Mill Woods Transit Centre will be expanded with regular weekday trips every 40 minutes between 6 am to 7 pm. Weekend service will also be added with regular trips every 40 minutes between 9 am to 4 pm (a detailed schedule will be available prior to the service expansion).

Service enhancements

  • A position to consolidate and standardize city purchasing to enhance value for taxpayer dollars on major procurements
  • 10 new spaces for the Early Learning Child Care centre
  • Expanding the Beaumont Library’s collection, along with outreach, partnerships and new student page positions
  • Additional traffic safety measures, particularly at high priority crosswalks
  • More benches and garbage cans in parks


  • Determining costs for a cricket pitch and three single-hoop basketball courts, along with design work, site selection, and engagement with residents
  • Funding for the Beaumont and District Heritage Society to complete restoration of the St. Jacques Heritage House at 49 Street and 31 Avenue.

Homeowner impact

The 2024 operating budget includes a municipal tax levy increase of 6.45%. Utilities will increase about $14.89 per month for the typical homeowner, reflecting the cost of maintaining services and growth pressures. There are no changes to franchise fee rates for electricity or natural gas.

Annual impact on a typical homeowner ($447,000 assessed value and annual utility of 204 cubic metres of water):

2023 2024 Annual Change Monthly Impact
Municipal property tax $3,033.95 $3,229.64 $195.69 $16.31
Utilities $1,594.43 $1,773.08 $178.65 $14.89
Total municipal services (property tax + utilities) $4,628.38 $5,002.72 $374.34 $31.20