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Government City Administration & Departments Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act refers to provincial legislation which governs how public bodies may collect personal information, and how the information may be accessed...
The purpose of the FOIP Act is to balance the public’s right to know and the individual’s right to privacy with regard to records held by the City. Beaumont respects the privacy of individuals and is committed to protecting the personal information that is shared with us.
A number of public records are available online free of charge. These records include bylaws, council agendas and minutes, land use maps and area structure plans. For more information or if you are not sure if your request falls under the Act, please contact the FOIP Coordinator.
Requests for copies of documents or a file review are made in writing to the FOIP Coordinator using the FOIP Request Application form [pdf]. The request and initial fee, if applicable, must be submitted together and can be made in person or by mail. Email submissions are accepted, however, the search will not begin until payment of the initial fee, if applicable, is received. Payment can be made by cash, cheque or debit only. Please make cheques payable to the City of Beaumont.
Personal Information is your own information and there is no initial fee. You will need to provide proof of your identity before the records will be released.
If you are requesting records for another person, you will have to provide proof that you have the authority to act for that person. For example, a guardianship or trusteeship order, a power of attorney, or this completed Authorization of Representative form [pdf].
General Information is any other record held by the City and is subject to an initial fee of $25.
Some requests may be subject to extra processing costs in accordance with the Act and the FOIP Coordinator will provide an estimate of fees before proceeding with the request. If the cost of processing your request exceeds $150, a 50% deposit is required before work on your request will begin.
The FOIP Act provides the City with 30 calendar days to respond to your request. However, days spent clarifying the scope of your request or awaiting payment of fees will extend the 30 calendar day response time.
Information will only be withheld if an “exception to disclosure” applies to the information. In the FOIP Act, an exception to disclosure explains the harm that could occur if the information was released.
Within 30 days of the receipt of the request, the FOIP Coordinator will do one of the following:
The privacy policy for the City of Beaumont's website.