To facilitate repairs on the water main serving Beaumont, the City is implementing a mandatory water ban for municipal operations and voluntary restrictions for residents to reduce non-essential water use, effective July 22, 2024.

Council Strategic Plan

Building Our Tomorrow, Today

Council Strategic Plan 2022-2026

Council’s 2022-2026 Strategic Plan [pdf] envisions Beaumont in the near and long-term future. The five aspirations in this plan are intended to provide focus for Council deliberations and decisions, with actions for implementation by City Administration for the next four years and beyond. Council and City Administration will review progress on the plan regularly and report to the community each year.

Our aspiration: 

  • Beaumont is where innovators and technology entrepreneurs can make their ideas come alive.
  • The long-term financial sustainability of the city is supported by diverse revenue streams, including creative and inventive opportunities.
  • Beaumont fosters growth with a welcoming, supportive environment for small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Our aspiration: 

  • Beaumont’s current health care needs are being addressed by senior levels of government, and they are aware of future needs as the community grows.
  • Citizens are connected with existing pathways for health care.
  • Citizens can access an array of services from a network of practitioners in the region.

Our aspiration: 

  • Beaumont’s long-term facility, land, service, financial, and other needs are mapped out and planned for.
  • City operations and the community’s growth are guided by Environmental, Social, and Governance principles.
  • Beaumont fosters an environment of innovation and leadership and seeks partnerships to envision and enable neighbourhoods of the future.

Our aspiration:

  • Centre-ville is a vibrant and welcoming place where citizens gather and connect.
  • Citizens have opportunities to connect with one another through organized and self-directed activities.
  • Facilitate volunteerism and solutions that assist community groups to enhance their organizational capacity and self-sufficiency.

Our aspiration: 

  • Citizens can provide insight and collaborate in Beaumont’s direction through a range of novel and meaningful ways.
  • The City’s technology infrastructure and systems support enhanced transparency and enable more effective interactions with citizens.

Previous Strategic Plans

Our Beaumont, Municipal Strategic Plan 2017-2021

Our Beaumont, Municipal Strategic Plan [pdf], set the municipality’s direction during the four years from 2017 to 2021. The 2022-2026 plan (Building Our Tomorrow, Today) builds on much of the work in the 2017-2021 plan and from previous Councils.

Progress on the Strategic Plan is reported to the community annually.