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Home & Neighbourhood Taxes
Your property taxes help pay for City services like parks, emergency services, recreation facilities, road maintenance and snow removal.
Check out our Virtual City Hall (VCH) to manage a wide range of account details and tools!
The City uses this formula to calculate your property taxes:
Assessed Value times Mill Rate divided by 1,000 equals Property Taxes.
Assessed Value x Mill Rate / 1,000 = Property Taxes
Change your address with the City.
View tax assessments
Tax penalties are legislated by Council (as per Bylaw 980-20) and cannot be waived, unless otherwise directed by Council.
Additional penalties apply if your taxes remain unpaid.
*Current levy indicates only the current year’s property taxes.
Your property tax includes the educational tax rate set by the Province of Alberta. These taxes are collected by the City for the province to fund public and separate schools. Council cannot change the education rates set by the province.
Beaumont has two school districts: public and Roman Catholic. Individuals can declare support for property taxes to a specific district. Your tax assessment shows which district you have currently declared.
Fill out the School Support Form [pdf] and submit to the City. Undeclared properties’ education taxes will be directed to the Alberta School Foundation Fund and equal per-student amounts sent to public and separate school boards.
A tax certificate shows the property taxes levied in the current year, amount of taxes owing and the total amount of tax arrears, if any. They can be required for property sales. Lawyers and agents from your financial institution are able to request them on your behalf, through Virtual City Hall (email receivables@beaumont.ab.ca to sign up for VCH). Tax certificates requested through VCH are available on demand. Requests can also be emailed to taxes@beaumont.ab.ca, but can take up to 48 hours.
Tax balances are also available, at no cost, through Virtual City Hall or by contacting the Tax department.Â
Tax certificates include:
This service costs $25 and is invoiced when the tax certificate is prepared. Tax certificates are processed a few times a week and completed tax certificates are emailed. Hardcopies can be requested and mailed. For more information or questions regarding tax certificates, please contact us.
The taxation year is the calendar year, January 1st – December 31st.
Assessment is the process of assigning a dollar value to a property for taxation purposes. This value is used to calculate the amount of taxes that will be charged to the owner of the property. Taxation is the process of applying a tax rate to a property’s assessed value to determine the taxes payable by the owner of the property.
An assessment is the process of placing a dollar value on a property for taxation purposes and is governed by provincial legislation. The market value is the price a property might reasonably be expected to sell for. The assessment is based on the previous years’ July market value.
Private appraisers, acting on behalf of financial institutions or agencies, evaluate property according to market conditions on the day they complete the appraisal. Municipal assessors determine the property values and conditions at set dates to ensure that all municipal assessments and subsequent taxation have a fair and equal base.
In order to calculate your property taxes we do the following:
Assessed Value X Mill Rate / 1,000 = Property Taxes Assessed Value times Mill Rate divided by 1,000 equals Property Taxes.
The due date for tax payments is 30 days from the date of mailing.
Payments may be made by (cheque, cash or debit) at Beaumont’s Administration Office during business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm), which is located at:
5600 49 Street
Beaumont, AB T4X1A1
It can also be deposited in the night mail slot (no cash please) located at the main entrance, at most Canadian financial institutions, by tele-pay and via the internet (please ensure that you choose the correct payee and reference your roll number). If you choose to mail your payment, the envelope must be postmarked no later than the due date and the remittance portion of your notice must accompany the payment. If you wish to join the tax installment plan, please contact our tax department.
Contact the tax department (780-929-3306) to review your assessment. If necessary, your concerns will be forwarded to our assessor who will contact you directly. If the assessor agrees that the original is not accurate, a corrected notice may be issued. If the assessor and property owner cannot come to an agreement, the property owner may begin the formal complaint process.
While all Beaumont ratepayers receive an assessment notice in February and a tax notice in May each year, Beaumont approves a Supplementary Assessment Bylaw that provides for a second assessment on properties where improvements have received a final occupancy inspection report in the current year. The Supplementary Assessment & Tax Notice will be prorated to reflect only the number of days from which the final occupancy inspection report is issued.
Supplementary Assessment Notices will be issued in October, with payment due 30 days from mailing.