Capital Budget for 2023 Invests in Beaumont’s Quality of Life

Beaumont City Council tonight approved a capital budget for 2023 that maintains and renews existing infrastructure, responds to the community’s rapid growth, and targets investments to enhance services for residents....

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Beaumont City Council tonight approved a capital budget for 2023 that maintains and renews existing infrastructure, responds to the community’s rapid growth, and targets investments to enhance services for residents.

Council also approved the 2023 utility budget and an interim operating budget based on 2022 service levels. The proposed operating budget for 2023 will be deliberated in March, with any changes to services and the municipal property tax levy to be debated and voted on at that time.

“Beaumont is a community of choice and we continue to grow at one of the fastest rates in the province. With this capital budget, we’re looking after the infrastructure we have while making sure we keep up with a growing population so that we continue to offer an excellent quality of life for residents,” said Mayor Bill Daneluik. “Council also approved several projects that will enhance the use of our recreation facilities and provide more locations for activities in the community.”

Utilities will increase $9.36 per month for the typical home, reflecting the costs of maintaining services and growth pressures. There were no changes to franchise fee rates on electricity or natural gas.

The 2023 capital budget supports several initiatives for next year, including:

  • Construction of heated skate shacks for outdoor boarded rinks.
  • Preparation of a site for a joint high school.
  • Renewal and replacement of water features at the Four Seasons spray park.
  • Bleachers for selected sports fields.
  • Site selection and design work for an eco-station and RV sanitation dump.
  • A town plaza, dog park, and community garden in Centre-ville.
  • Crosswalk signals on arterial roads with locations to be determined by a needs analysis.
  • Renewal of the Juneau Park playground.
  • Continued renewal and replacement of neighbourhood infrastructure in St. Vital. 

Media contact:
Mike Berezowsky
Director, Communications