New Community Standards Bylaw (Public Feedback)

From now through July 4, residents, businesses and others are invited to share their thoughts on a new Community Standards Bylaw and help make sure Beaumont continues to be a...

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From now through July 4, residents, businesses and others are invited to share their thoughts on a new Community Standards Bylaw and help make sure Beaumont continues to be a safe, clean, welcoming, and inclusive community. 

The bylaw consolidates existing regulations regarding the maintenance of property and public behaviour, while adding new sections to address concerns raised by residents and make some rules clearer for residents and municipal enforcement officers.

The City needs your feedback on a range of proposed provisions in the bylaw, including rules for:

1. Construction waste
2. Bullying
3. Noise control
4. Nuisance, derelict and unsightly properties
5. Graffiti
6. Drinking alcohol in public

If approved, the Community Standards Bylaw would replace other existing bylaws, such as the Cannabis Consumption Bylaw, Nuisance and Unsightly Premises Bylaw, and the Snow Removal Bylaw. Consolidating these bylaws into one makes the standards easier for residents to find and understand and for City staff to enforce.

City of Beaumont peace officers generally use education in response to bylaw complaints and provide a warning for first instances, however, have the discretion to provide fines for serious or repeated violations.

Learn more about the proposed bylaw and share your thoughts today by visiting Input received from the survey will help guide the draft bylaw that will be presented to City Council for approval later in 2022.

Media contact:
Mike Berezowsky
Director, Communications