Statement from Mayor Bill Daneluik Regarding International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

“On this day, we recognize the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It serves as a reminder that the injustices fueled by racial discrimination persist today. While progress...

CouncilMayor statement

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“On this day, we recognize the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It serves as a reminder that the injustices fueled by racial discrimination persist today. While progress has been made, Indigenous Peoples, racialized, and minority communities continue to face racism and discrimination.

Beaumont’s population is becoming increasingly diverse. The number of people who speak other languages – French, Punjabi, Tagalog, Spanish, and others – is growing and more than 16 per cent of residents now identify as a visible minority.

Our history in Beaumont is one of people from different backgrounds coming together to form a community and it’s in that spirit that I encourage us all to make sure everyone feels welcome here today. While we might have some differences at first glance, we share far more, like our common desire for a safe place our loved ones can call home and where our children have every opportunity to grow to their full potential.

Together, let’s continue building a community where diversity is celebrated, and every person is valued for who they are.”