Warmer Weather May Bring Outdoor Rink Challenges

As we navigate through the early stages of the winter season, the uncharacteristically warm weather may pose challenges for our outdoor rinks. The safety of skaters is our utmost priority,...

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As we navigate through the early stages of the winter season, the uncharacteristically warm weather may pose challenges for our outdoor rinks. The safety of skaters is our utmost priority, and as such, it is crucial to be aware of potential changes in rink availability.

Safety Measures and Winter Maintenance

From mid-December to early March, our dedicated crews undertake essential maintenance, checks, and resurfacing to ensure the skating surfaces are safe for public use. Depending on the type of rink and prevailing weather conditions, the decision to open or close a skating surface will be made based on safety assessments conducted by our maintenance teams.

Stay Up-to-Date

To keep our community well-informed, any updates regarding rink availability, closures, or changes will be promptly communicated through official social media channels. Additionally, detailed information can be found HERE.

Explore Alternatives

In the event that an outdoor rink becomes temporarily unavailable, we encourage residents to explore alternative options. Indoor skating facilities, such as the Beaumont Sport and Recreation Centre (BSRC), provide excellent alternatives for those seeking winter recreational activities. A comprehensive list of alternative activities can be found HERE.