Statutory & Outline Plans

For all decisions made within Planning and Development at the City of Beaumont, the department needs to not only consider multiple factors and approved policies within the municipality, but also Section 638.2 of the Municipal Government Act.

Please see below the document that provides the requirements and processes to prepare these plans in the City of Beaumont:

Terms of Reference for the Preparation and Amendment of Statutory and Non-Statutory Land Use Plans [pdf]

The Province of Alberta, through the Municipal Government Act (MGA) requires all municipalities to have a Municipal Development Plan, which is a statutory plan that establishes policies for land use for future growth in the entire municipality.

Our Complete Community – Municipal Development Plan [pdf]

An Area Structure Plan (ASP) is a statutory plan that guides the long-term growth for undeveloped land in Beaumont. It outlines where residential, recreational, commercial and industrial development will take place and how essential services (like water, sewer systems, arterial and collector roads, schools, parks and fire protection) will be provided. The ASP must comply with the Municipal Development Plan.

A Neighbourhood Structure Plan (NSP) is a detailed sub-plan (non-statutory) within an Area Structure Plan. The NSP shows the land uses within a neighborhood, including type, size, location, facility and roadways. This plan is approved by Council to review policies, servicing requirements and standards in a neighborhood.

Our Centre-Ville Area Redevelopment Plan [pdf] is a statutory plan that sets out a clear vision, supported by principles and policy directions to encourage and guide development and redevelopment in the Centre-Ville area over the next 25+ years, with a focus on implementation.

Our Centre-Ville proposes urban design strategies, land use concepts and policies through four different precincts within Centre-Ville: Civic and Institutional Precinct, Downtown Core Precinct, Residential Infill Precinct, and Cultural Heritage Precinct. Each precinct offers a distinct character and a focused theme regarding land use and built form while allowing a diversity of development opportunities such as civic, institutional, residential, commercial and cultural amenities and uses throughout the plan area.

An Outline Plan is a non-statutory plan that provides land use and servicing frameworks for future subdivision and development within neighbourhoods. These frameworks are consistent with the City’s Municipal Development Plan land use policies as well as other relevant municipal policies and plans at the time of adoption.

To make an application for a new Area Structure Plan or amend an existing Plan, contact Planning for a Pre-Application meeting. Afterwards, download and complete the New Plan and Plan Amendment Application Package [pdf].

The Terms of Reference for the Preparation and Amendment of Statutory and Non-Statutory Land Use Plans [pdf] provides information on the requirements and processes to prepare these plans in the City of Beaumont. Applicants are encouraged to review and be familiar with the information provided in this document prior to making the application.