To facilitate repairs on the water main serving Beaumont, the City is implementing a mandatory water ban for municipal operations and voluntary restrictions for residents to reduce non-essential water use, effective July 22, 2024.

Beaumont Implements Water Restrictions March 25-27

Water bans


Water Commission makes scheduled upgrades to the fill station that supplies water to our main pumphouse reservoir. This proactive measure will ensure the community has water for drinking, cooking and hygiene, fire protection, and other essential uses.

What You Need to Know:

– Residents and businesses can help by limiting their non-essential water use

– Consider taking shorter showers.

– Turning off the faucet while brushing teeth and shaving.

– Hand washing dishes efficiently, using a basin instead of running water continuously.

– Avoiding washing cars.

– Delaying laundry.

The ban will remain in effect until the upgrades are completed and the fill station resumes normal operations. Changes in water pressure can also be expected during the upgrades.

What is the City doing?

– The City is reducing its water use by suspending; Water, sewer main, and private development (commercial contract) flushing, Fire-fighting training that uses water, Street cleaning (sweeping and flushing), Fleet vehicle washing (including buses), Hydrant meter usage, Private development and infrastructure commissioning, and other non-essential water use that can be deferred.