Public Notices

Public notices include alerts, closures and emergencies in your area, as well as any notice relevant to all residents of Beaumont.

Utilities notice

Are Your Utilities Up To Date?

City of Beaumont utility customers who receive a printed bill will likely continue to experience mail service delays as Canada Post resumes service and clears its backlog from the strike. Please note that November bills affected by the strike were...

Facility closures

Holiday Hours for City Hall

Beaumont City Hall will be open on reduced hours and closed some days during the holidays. A drop box is available after hours, but please do not deposit cash. On December 12, City Hall will close early at 11:30 am City Hall will be closed December...

Planning & DevelopmentPublic engagement notice

Beaumont Innovation Park ASP Presentation


The City of Beaumont is hosting two online presentations to share details of the draft Area Structure Plan for the Beaumont Innovation Park. The Alberta Motor Transport Association will also be present to provide details of their plans to build a...

Planning & Development

Application to Amend the Élan 1 Neighbourhood and Area Structure Plans


The City of Beaumont has received an application to amend the Élan 1 Neighbourhood Structure Plan and the Élan Area Structure Plan and welcomes your feedback. Due to the strike at Canada Post, notices mailed to landowners in Élan and adjacent...

Active Construction updatesFacility closures

Parking Lot Restrictions at the Beaumont Sport and Recreation Centre

Starting November 21, 2024, parking will be restricted along the north side of the Beaumont Sport and Recreation Centre due to safety concerns regarding falling snow and ice from the roof. This measure will remain in effect until the spring melt...

Utilities notice

Notice of Application for Natural Gas Agreement


Apex Utilities Inc. will be applying to the Alberta Utilities Commission to re-approve its franchise agreement with the City of Beaumont to provide natural gas service to residents. Provincial regulations permit utility distribution companies to...

Commuting updatesConstruction updatesRoad closures

Lane Closures on 50 Avenue


Starting November 11, the Ésprit development contractor will install a watermain and sanitary line along 50 Avenue to connect to the City’s infrastructure. Here’s what you need to know: While there will be temporary lane closures on 50 Avenue,...

Public engagement notice

Curb Extension Feedback Survey


Help shape safer streets: share your feedback on curb extensions!  The City of Beaumont is seeking your feedback on the temporary curb extensions installed at 56A Street/Rue Montalet and 56A Street/55 Avenue. These extensions have been in place...

Public Hearing notice

Public Hearing: Dansereau Meadows Amendments

Update: Dansereau Meadows Outline Plan Amendment (OP-2024-01) was approved by resolution on November 5, 2024. Bylaw 1061-24 Dansereau Meadows Land Use Bylaw Amending Bylaw (LUB-2024-03) was approved (given second and third reading) on November 5,...