Public Notices

Public notices include alerts, closures and emergencies in your area, as well as any notice relevant to all residents of Beaumont.

Road closures

Road Closures on 50 Street


From July 27 to September 8, the Le Rêve development contractor will be repairing the road and providing road upgrades on 50 Street. To complete 50th Street and Le Reve Construction Mapthis work, lane closures are required on 50 Street. However,...

Road closures

Single-Lane Closure from July 17 – 21


As part of the City’s 10G internet fibre optic project, future high-speed internet coverage is being extended to more residents and businesses on 50th Street! – From July 17 to 21, Fortel Communications will install underground fibre...

Construction updatesRoad closures

Single-Lane Closure from July 10 – 15


From July 10 to 15, the City’s contractor will be conducting utility tie-ins as part of a renewal project in St. Vital, focusing on the intersection of 50th Avenue and 47th Street. – Please note that there will be a temporary closure of...

Water bans

Voluntary Water Ban Lifted for Beaumont


Effective June 14, 2023, the City of Beaumont has lifted the voluntary water ban which aimed to limit non-essential water usage. Please be advised that the hours of operation for the Four Seasons Spray Park will remain 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. until...

Water bans

Voluntary Water Ban in Effect for Beaumont


Have you noticed the weather getting increasingly warmer? These hotter days (with more to come) are causing higher-than-normal water use and it’s placing a strain on the City’s water supply. As a proactive approach to water conservation,...

Tax notice

2023 Property Tax Notice


Beaumont property owners will receive their 2023 property tax notices shortly, as they were mailed May 31. The payment deadline is June 30. Any property owners who are enrolled in Beaumont’s tax installment plan will continue with their monthly...

Fire ban

Fire Ban Lifted


The fire ban issued May 2, 2023 is no longer in effect, thanks to recent wet weather conditions. Restrictions on open fires and new fire permits have been lifted. Fire control details can be found on the city’s website. For additional information...

Fire ban

Fire Ban in Effect for Beaumont


The City of Beaumont is under a fire ban with the warm and dry weather creating an extreme hazard. Open fires of any kind – including backyard pits – are not permitted and all fire permits are suspended. Patio heaters, turkey fryers, fireworks...

Public Hearing notice

Public Hearing: Bylaw 1028-23 Lakeview Area Structure Plan Amendment


The purpose of proposed Bylaw 1028-23 Lakeview Area Structure Plan Amendment is to give Council the opportunity to consider an update to the name of the Area Structure Plan from “Lakeview Area Structure Plan” to ‘Azur/Lakeview Area Structure...

Active Tax notice

Assessment Surveys – 2023


To ensure every property owner in Beaumont is assessed fairly each year, the City of Beaumont contracts an assessor to confirm existing conditions and/or upgrades to properties. Accurate Assessment Group (AAG) will send a letter and survey to 20 per...