Public Hearing: Bylaw 1059-24 – Municipal Development Plan Amendments

Active Public Hearing Notice

Public hearing November 5, 2024 at 6 pm: The purpose of this amendment is to align the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) to the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board (EMRB) Regional Agriculture Master Plan (RAMP) which was endorsed by the Government of Alberta in late 2022. Members of the EMRB must update their respective MDPs within two years of the approval of the RAMP by the Government.

Bylaw 1059-24 proposes to amend Bylaw 938-19 Municipal Development Plan: Our Complete Community by

  • Updating Section 10.1 Our Complete Community Action List to include Beaumont’s Urban Agriculture Plan (page 72 of the MDP), and
  • Updating Section 13 Maps to include EMRB RAMP’s Policy Area 3 and 4 as well as prime agricultural lands within the City of Beaumont. (Map 1a RAMP Agriculture Policy Areas)

Please find the following documents associated with the Public Hearing for Bylaw 1059-24:

Current Municipal Development Plan (Bylaw 938-19)