Public Hearing: Dansereau Meadows Amendments

Active Public Hearing Notice

Notice of Non-Statutory Public Hearing for Dansereau Meadows Outline Plan Amendment (OP-2024-01) and Statutory Public Hearing for Bylaw 1061-24 Dansereau Meadows Land Use Bylaw Amending Bylaw (LUB-2024-03)

Public hearing November 5, 2024 at 6 pm: The City of Beaumont is holding a concurrent public hearing for an amendment to the Dansereau Meadows Outline Plan and Bylaw 1061-24 Dansereau Meadows Neighbourhood Land Use Bylaw Amending Bylaw. The purpose of these amendments is to facilitate relocation of townhouse development from one area of N.W. ¼ SEC. 34-50-24-W4M to two separate areas within the same parcel. The proposal requires the following amendments:

  • An amendment to the Dansereau Meadows Outline Plan (OP) Land Use Concept relocating a section of Medium Density Residential from one area in the northern portion of the neighbourhood to two separate areas in the northwest and northeast. This includes minor updates to the OP mapping and population table.
  • Redistricting the proposed townhouse sites from Conventional Neighbourhood (CN) District to Integrated Neighbourhood (IN) District.

Please find the existing and proposed Dansereau Meadows Outline Plan Land Use Concepts, redistricting map, and detailed public notices associated with these public hearings below.