Voluntary Water Ban in Effect for Beaumont

Water bans


Have you noticed the weather getting increasingly warmer? These hotter days (with more to come) are causing higher-than-normal water use and it’s placing a strain on the City’s water supply. As a proactive approach to water conservation, the City of Beaumont has decided to introduce a voluntary water ban effective June 9, 2023. Here’s what you need to know:

The Four Seasons Spray Park is restricting its hours of operation to 10 a.m. – 5 pm.

– Refrain from lawn watering.
– Refrain from washing your vehicles, home exterior and driveway.
– Refrain from filling pools, hot tubs or Jacuzzis.

The City is also taking many steps to reduce non-essential water use by suspending water and sewer main flushing, parks watering, fire-fighting training that uses water, street sweeping and flushing, fleet vehicle washing, and other non-essential water use that can be deferred.

Visit Beaumont’s Water Conservation page for updates and more water conservation information.

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