Spring activity guide out now! Registration begins March 17.
Recreation & Activities Facilities Beaumont Sport & Recreation Centre Childmind
Child Minding is a quality babysitting service that parents and guardians can use while they enjoy the recreation facility and programs offered in the Beaumont Sport and Recreation Centre!
All Child Minding staff have an RCMP Vulnerable Sector Check, Child Intervention Check, and Standard First Aid.
**Please note punch passes are non-refundable and have a 2-year expiry from the purchase date.
For booking inquiries or more information please call 780-328-9928
Check out these great programs! Follow this link for all the information, and to register.
All child minding staff have an RCMP Vulnerable Sector Check, Child Intervention Check, and Standard First Aid certification.
Child Mind follows, as a base, the Province of Alberta’s Child Care Licensing Act Child Care Licensing Regulation’s ratios. Each infant less than 20 months old counts as 2 children when counting ratios. Each child above 20 months counts as 1. Each staff member can work within a ratio of 1:6.
Punch passes can be purchased from Guest Services at the BSRC.
Check-in occurs in the Child Minding room. A New Child Intake will need to be filled out for new participants.
Yes, nut-free snacks are allowed.
Yes, Parents/Guardians must remain in the BSRC facility while their child is in Child Minding.
No, Child Mind is not included in the membership. To use the service a Punch Pass or hourly Drop-In fee must be purchased.
Child Mind admits children aged 6 months to 7 years.
No, you do not need to pre-register for the service. With the purchase of a Child Minding punch pass, parents and guardians can pre-book child care services in advance. Pre-bookings are only offered to those with Child Minding punch-passes (not drop-in users).
Drop-in time slots will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Please call 780-328-9928 to pre-book child care services.
Children must wear indoor shoes in the play area. All personal items including water bottles and spare clothing must be clearly labelled.