Spring activity guide out now! Registration begins March 17.
Programs & Services Child Care Services
Beaumont Child Care Services provides early learning resources and support to children, families, staff and community through the understanding of best practices.
We welcome you to come and visit our programs. To get more information please contact us today.
The child care centre is licensed for children 12 month to kindergarten age.
The program consists of 78 quality early learning child care spaces. Bussing is available for those children attending kindergarten at an additional cost. For more information on our program, please read through the Early Learning Child Care Centre Parent Handbook [pdf].
We are located beside École J. E. Lapointe School, on the north end of the KNRRC 4901 55 Avenue Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9
The site is licensed for children attending grade one to 12 years of age. Bussing to all the Beaumont Public schools is available at an additional cost.
The program consists of 53 quality out of school care quality spaces and provides care year round. For more information on our program, please read through our School Age Site Parent Handbook [pdf].
We are located next to École Beau Meadow: 4306 44 Street Beaumont, AB T4X 1K3
2023 Child Care Fees [pdf]
*please note that the affordability grant amount deduction is not calculated on this chart for the ELCC
Helpful info on childcare, agreements with government organizations and subsidies.
Our professional organization
How our programs are guided
Government of Alberta
To register your child on the waitlist for programs at the Early Learning Child Care Centre or the School Age Site complete a Childcare Waitlist Package Form [pdf]. Forward the completed form along with your $50 waitlist fee to Beaumont Administration Office. The waitlist fee is refundable upon enrollment in child care services. Paper copies are available at Beaumont Administration Office.
Mail the form: 5600 49 Street Beaumont, AB T4X1A1
Drop off the form in person at: Beaumont Administration Office 5600 49 Street Beaumont, AB T4X1A1
There are a variety of situations that prompt families to require child care services. It is recommended that you register your child(ren) for the waitlist as soon as you establish you will require child care. It is not uncommon to register your child(ren) up to a year or more in advance, to ensure your child care needs are met. Waitlist applications are processed as they are received.
Typical wait times for children for placement within Child Care Services is 18-24 months.
But due to the fact that all programs are operating at capacity it is virtually impossible to predict when spaces will become available. When spaces do become available, program supervisors will contact families via telephone if the space meets their outlined requirements.
You are encouraged to inquire with child care services for new space timelines and your child(ren)’s position on the waitlist. Contact them at 780-929-1006.
All full-time and part-time spaces are currently at capacity. However, some drop-in spaces may be available, please contact the program supervisor at 780-929-1263 for details.
Beaumont strives to place siblings together in the same program to support family needs. The intake process can be very complex and multiple spaces may not become available at the same time. The Early Learning Child Care and School Age Site Supervisors may offer you a single space based on availability unless you indicated otherwise on the waitlist form.
The waitlist policy states that if a suitable space (based on the information provided on the waitlist form) is offered to a family and the guardian refuses the space, the child’s name is brought to the bottom of the list. If care is refused a second time, the child’s name is removed from the list and the child would once again have to be registered (including paying the $50 registration fee).
It is recommended you maintain your waitlist information as accurately as possible to ensure you are only offered spaces that meet your family’s needs. Updates are required in writing and can be sent via email to ChildCareServices@beaumont.ab.ca
Please fill out the form below or call us at 780-929-1006 to set up a tour or to get more information.