Public Notices

Public notices include alerts, closures and emergencies in your area, as well as any notice relevant to all residents of Beaumont.

Active Public Hearing Notice

Public Hearing Place Chaleureuse Outline Plan Amendment


POSTPONED – The purpose of this amendment to the Place Chaleureuse Outline Plan is to facilitate the proposed associated redistricting application (Bylaw 1049-24 Place Chaleureuse Neighbourhood Land Use Bylaw Amending Bylaw) by...

Public Hearing Notice

Public Hearing: Bylaw 1046-24 Élan 2 Neighbourhood Structure Plan Bylaw


The purpose of proposed Bylaw 1046-24 Élan 2 Neighbourhood Structure Plan Bylaw is to adopt a new Neighbourhood Structure Plan in the west of Beaumont. The Neighbourhood Structure Plan provides a land use and servicing framework for...

Public Hearing Notice

Public Hearing: Bylaw 1028-23 Lakeview Area Structure Plan Amendment


The purpose of proposed Bylaw 1028-23 Lakeview Area Structure Plan Amendment is to give Council the opportunity to consider an update to the name of the Area Structure Plan from “Lakeview Area Structure Plan” to ‘Azur/Lakeview Area...